Why do I love art so much? It’s because you never know where or when something will hit you in the face and drop you on your ass. I’m doing my normal nothing on the internet and one video leads me to another blog to another website and bam! I find a post of all kinds of artists. One of the first ones is by, get this, a WOMAN…. I know, I couldn’t believe it either!!
Well it’s true, this amazing picture of the JLA is by Annie Wu. From what I can find about her; she’s a young up and coming artist. Well to be honest I haven’t read too much other than her About on her blog, but I’ve looked at some of her other work too. Very clean lines but I want to say kinda dark as well (theme not color). I definitely feel there is a new trend in some of the young art like Annie and dare I say Ryan Ottley that at first I would say is a wave but really is old school, of having fewer lines but more detail.
I was looking at some old Disney animation work from the days of Cinderella and Snow White. Old school animation that had to be good but at the same time had to be able to be drawn over and over so there must be a simplicity to the line but at the same time have detail. I think that’s what I’m loving about Ottley’s work and what I’m seeing here. While in the 90’s we where amazed by all the crosshatching that was disguised at detail, but in many cases was really just covering up what the artist couldn’t do. Knowing how to do a wisp of hair with just two lines is much more impressive than if you draw two straight lines and then crosshatch and shadow the thing to death to make it look wispy.
So here’s to Annie Wu. Check out www.anniewuart.com
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