Sunday, December 27, 2009

Necrosha, again WTF?!?!

Ok, I know I've been a little negative lately. I've done a lot of reading over the past few weeks with all the days off. So I've been catching up. In full disclosure I usually wait for the Trades to come out for X-Men books. The ones that I get monthly would be X-Force, Cable and Astonishing X-men. I think those have been real quality and don't always flow with the regular series, especially Astonishing X-men.

But I just don't get this Necrosha story. It seems like Marvel was looking at what DC was doing and said we need to have something like the Black Lantern story. First off, there are many things that I inherently don't think are plausible, and for a comic that really bad.

1) They're very wishy washy on trying to explain M-Day and the rise of all these dead X-Men.

2) Most of the "dead mutants" no one cares about. That's been a problem and a gift by the Marvel teams. The popular mutants don't die. Remember M-day and Ice man lost his powers. Well, you can have that so magically he got them back in some half assed explanation ASAP. Magneto's dead and powerless, I don't think so... I can go on. So these mutants that are coming back alive, I have no idea who or they are nor do I care.

Luckily Cable and Ast. X-Men aren't really involved in this story so their books are still solid. But take X-Force. Great idea. Cyclops own personal hit squad. Going after the humans that would have them dead!! I love it. And let's not forget about the art. Crain is putting together some amazing work and has the talent to really do something special. But with such abstract and never seen before art, you really need a simple good story to go along with it or it just confuses me even more.

This is early in the scope of the Necrosha story so I'll give it a chance and maybe the regular books, when they come out in trade form, will tie this together for me. For now, I think they're wasting their Writer's talents as well as their Artist's talents with a wacky story that doesn't seem to be anything we need. The X-men have enough issues with their new island home, moving to the west coast, waiting for the return of Cable and Hope.... Just keep it simple and tell some simple arcs until we get deep into what is surly going to be a big year for the X-men either in 2010 or 2011 (I just get that feeling once the Dark Reign / Siege is over).

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

What the ?#@$%? happen to SW #10?

You're not going to find a bigger fan of the new Secret Warriors book than me. I've loved it and truly enjoyed it each month. It has been one of the few books that I still get excited when it's in my stack.

Now maybe it's just me, but what the fuck is up with #10? I loved the whole idea leading up to this issue but I can't make heads or tails of what's going on. I feel like I've missed #9 or something. I'm going to have to go back and check out the previous few issues to make sure I'm not missing anything. The art sucks compared to the other issues and most of this book is a re-telling of a couple of different books. I've still never grasped the fact that Ares and Hercules are on earth and are supposed to be "gods" that are somehow not apart of Asgard and Thor's mythos, it's like they've got separate religions and faiths going on at the same time. But that's fine because you've got other types of "gods" like in the Iron Fist books or Dr. Strange. I've accepted that there are just "gods" and all types of "gods", it don't make sense but I'll go with it.

But I want Nick Fury to be kicking as and taking names. It feels like in one issue we've gotten away from Fury's storyline and into some strange direction about the god of fear and how he comes to be, which really isn't explained well. It touches on two swords and I can't tell what is what? Then at the end Ares says that the kid has to die anyway? What the fuck?!?!

I don't mind deep stories but I'm a comic book reader. If I wanted to have to figure stuff out and look deep into a story to understand it, I'd read a big book with no pictures. I'm not giving up on the series or anything but to plunk down $2.99 for a recap and some pages of shit I don't understand, well that's not fair. Especially when the book has been so good. It's not like one of those books you buy and you know it's going to be shit but you buy it anyway just in case or maybe you'll get around to reading it. I expect this book to be good in the way that when you're done, you're pissed and want more. Now I'm just confused and don't know what to do next, like after you lose your virginity. Again, maybe it's just me. We'll see what #11 brings us.