Saturday, June 5, 2010

Crap Books and thoughts

By now I realize that most of this blog is based on what I like or opinions on what I’ve thought about recent movies or shows. Most of the time I try to be positive but I know a lot of the online community likes negativity rather than to just hear glowing remarks.

So let me bring up two comics in particular and a thought.

1) The New Avengers: Finale. This was bad (I’m saving horrible for something else later). I read a lot of Bendis haters but I really don’t know why. I almost always enjoy his work and yeah it can get wordy but it’s certainly not like Claremont’s constant word volcano of shit. I’m a fan of banter, especially when used correctly. I think it works much more in a book like Ultimate Spiderman vs say New or Dark Avengers. Overall I like it. I also like ass kicking which this book has none of. It doesn’t even have good scenes of banter between Norman Osborn and anyone.

You’ve got a beaten down, green faced and deranged Osborn and you do nothing with him? Instead we get a moronic story between left over Avengers fighting Madame Masque’s father. I have a hard enough time taking a daily shit, I don’t need to struggle trying to give two shits about a story that sucks. Overall I’ve been a big fan of all the different New Avenger stuff. I’ve ridden the ride all the way from the start and while many have had their ups and downs with the book, I’ve loved it for what it is. And when it’s rocking; nothing is better.

To me (which obviously this is because I’m writing it) I found this story a total waste of my time. The fact that they made this a bigger issue than normal really pisses me off because they could have done so much with it. A writer and artist finally get more than 22 pages and this is what they turn out? I’m also not one to usually bash the artists because I know how hard it is to do this work, but I expect more from Hitch. To read the artist’s credit being Hitch and Immonen I’m totally shocked at what shit this book is. Hitch’s work looks like a guy who’s bolting for another company and I can’t tell you where Immonen comes in? It’s really bad and I’ll leave it at that.

2) The other book I’d like to put on a spit and roast is The Sentry: Fallen Sun. I love the idea and execution of how the Sentry came to be in the Marvel world. I think it was an innovative idea making up a figure that was “lost” in the comic world and really fleshing him out. Even though I think the character could have really been brought along further I can get over it and believe that he’s the ultimate villain rather than hero. Why would you not use this “Superman” archetype to it’s full potential in the Marvel universe. Hell they’re can only be a million stories that fans would love to read. Hell, we’re introduced to this man by him taking Carnage into space and ripping him apart, and doing the same to the god Ares. He’s bad ass. No that could never sell any books??? I’d find it more interesting to read text from the powers that be explaining why they went so far to create a character just to kill him off in such a short amount of time.

I understand that the comic book world is a business. I understand that there are movies that are coming out and you can’t have Osborn running the country, Captain America dead and Tony Stark without the Iron Man armor. When the average movie go-er leaves the theater and goes to the comic book store for the first time, they want to see a story resembling what they’ve just watched. And leading up to the 2012 Avengers pic, I understand that we HAD to start to enter the Heroic Age.

3) Which leads me to my last point. That is, if you’re going to put out these ancillary books to charge us more money and think that we have to buy these books because of some great conclusion that you didn’t get to tell during the Siege storyline; instead of extra long crap stories do something really cool and finish off what you started. I realized that I just spent $10 on horrible books. Books that had nothing to do with the next evolution of the Avengers or Sentry. No one needed to buy these books to continue along with the Marvel universe. Siege wrapped it up and I thought it did it well enough. Take your balls in your had and put out some kick ass ending that really wraps up what us die-hard readers have been enjoying. Would it have been so hard to make the New Avengers story about how the Avengers that have been running from the law for a few years now finally get to their revenge on either the Dark Avengers (which the last issue of that series was a B in my book, it did a good job and I’m sorry to see that book leave) or see how they’re going to get their life back.

I’ve had enough of this god damned baby of Jessica and Luke Cage. He’s a fucking Skrull right? is there anyone who doesn’t think that’s what’s going to happen to him? It must be because I’m looking at almost three pages of story on how Luke had to call his wife to tell her he’s OK and won’t be coming home for dinner. What is this, 7th Fucking Heaven? I could care less. Oh and let’s make the final villain someone I have no idea who he is or care what he’s about. They don’t even show what makes the dynamic of the Hood / Hood’s real life family / Madame Masque so unique and interesting. There’s a mean three way that for good or bad should be addressed but seems to be slipping through the Marvel fingers like He-Man ooze (and with the same stale stink).

Anyway, I know I’m usually pointing out how good something is or how I’m excited about a book. But I had to be one of the many bloggers that just rip on things. I was that disappointed. I really don’t understand why if you’re going to put out something extra, and have names like Bendis / Hitch / Immonen working on the book, why waste all that talent and time to put out lame and expensive bullshit.

In an odd twist, Marvel can learn something from recent DC books such as Darkest Night and Brightest Day. I really liked where Darkest Night was going and then it was ended oddly to me as well. But again I think it has to do with main stream and movie continuity rather than hard core fans 100% happy. Wouldn’t we all love to see Sinestro as the White Lantern for a few years, doling out Dirty Harry like justice across the universe? He was the “greatest lantern ever”. But sadly that idea interferes with soon to be movie projects, BUT I’M HAPPY TO LIVE IN THE WORLD OF BIG BUSINESS AND I UNDERSTAND. Alls I’m saying is do what you have to do in the main books. Don’t waste my time and money and artistic talent with books that suck, go nowhere and / or repeat what’s being done in the main book.

In Fallen Sun all I remember are characters who barely REALLY knew Sentry lament over his death. I wish if there where going to be superheroes standing around in the graveyard they could be standing over a headstone that reads, Bear’s $4 lies here. He didn’t pay his mortgage this month in order to read this shit!