I just finished the first TPB of the new Iron Fist. For the first 3 1/2 books, I wasn't impressed. I've been hearing all this great news about the new Iron Fist. It starts to pick up in the last few books and leaves us at a great spot. We've got a super SUPER powered Danny Rand and some mysterious tournament and a secret book of how to be an even better Iron Fist. It reminds me a little of Harry Potter in an odd way, but there's worse things to be reminded of.
I've got trades 2 and 3, so I'll start on those. I can see why it's getting buzz, but I'll wait and see for the final verdict.
P.S. Not being a regular reader of Daredevil, I'm not quite sure where the bonus pages came from and went to but I can deal with Iron Fist posing at Daredevil, it makes sense in a comic book way. I'm sure the story that leads to this is good. One day, I'll have to get all the trades of the new Daredevil and see what people are talking about.
P.P.S. Really, isn't Iron Fist just Batman with slighly above average super powers? It still can be a good book, but that's my first impression. Except his "Alfred" is a weasel.
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