SWORD is like the port authority of the world. Think Men in Black but without Will Smith, oh and funny with more sci-fi parts. All the things you want without the mind wipe jokes.
But I just read that this might get canceled. It would be a real shame if this title does get canceled. So far it's been fun and exciting. I urge you to pick this title up, even just to see Lockheed kick some ass. And who doesn't like to see a cat sized dragon taking on a SWAT team of HAMMER agents?
Lastly I have to say that the art was a little weird at first. The way they drew Beast was more of a blue cow than the cat Beast we've grown to love. But now I like it. It fits the tone of the writing and it just all works. I wish Marvel would give this title some time to grow. I've seen them give much worse titles a lot longer to linger to a slow death. Let's not jump ship after the first arc.