So we've gotten a good dose of this book. There is definitely something to be said about how Morrison and Quitely work together. Tan is an above average artist but the book has lost something since issue #3.
Morrison's ability to bring up and insert crazy characters into a story and make them relevant is part of his greatness and what can make him annoying and makes me run away at times. What see many reviews missing is that Damien (sp? - the new Robin) is starting to become likable in his crazy way. Being a brat is one thing but it was getting tired. Now he's getting some fleshing out and growth, which I like.
I'm waiting for the trades of the new Batman books since his "death" (spoiler alert!!) so I'm not up to what's happening in the other books, but Batman and Robin is doing good for me. I just hope that now Morrison has had his fun with Dr. Pyg and this Flamingo guy, he can focus on them or Jason Todd or even an established villain and tell a story.
I don't mean to ramble but one of the things that I liked from the RIP crap were all these odd villains. Now just do something with them. I think this is a problem with comics in general, is that they are always trying to lead into the next thing. There seems to be a fight to never have a third and final act. We can never had a conclusion because the stories have to roll into each other. I don't feel that's true. I think you can have a story that actually has a clear cut finish and then in the next month start something new. That's what I think is the biggest failure of DC in the last few years. With both Crisis arcs and Batman RIP mixed in, it just goes and goes and goes. It's OK to have a 3 or 6 book arc that ends and then we start something new. I think that would resolve a lot of these issues of endings not paying off. To me, comics have gotten great at building stories up. Then after months or in TPB we never get a real good ending, where you put the book down and then say, "that was a great story". I think that's why I like The Long Halloween, is because it ends. Same as the movie, The Dark Knight. Sure they leave a few things where they can take the next arc or come back to it one day, but there's an ending.
I don't need everything to roll into the next summer event.
Sorry it took so long to get this latest post up. I know the one or possibly two people that read this have been wonder where I've been. I could probably just email my mother with this info and the same amount of people would have read it.