Monday, August 17, 2009

District 9 - review

So District 9 isn't a comic book, well not yet. I saw it last night and I wanted to say a few words on it.

First of all, this is what I'm talking about (if you're ever so graced to speak with) the future of what the entertainment business can be. I think the movie cost about 30 million to make. 30 million is nothing to shake a stick at but if you've seen the movie you'd think that this cost well above 100 million to make. Out of a short film that got the attention of Peter Jackson, a great and cheap movie was made. It has already made more than what it cost. From today on, we're talking profit. I'll be that this movie makes more than any "blockbuster" this year from the standpoint of pure profit.

The movie was good. Not the greatest sci-fi movie ever but it was really good and I'd see it again in an instant. It also leaves so many doors open that you could spin this off into hundreds of directions. Of course all mediums from sequels to prequels to comics to video games (let's hope the Gears of War movie learns from this one, because it's almost identical in many ways) are possible. You could also focus on 30 years before, the three years that's discussed in the movie, the 28 that the aliens have been on earth, the planet they come from almost any direction is up for grabs. This means more money to be made.

The movie is great and I suggest anyone to go see it. It's cool, violent, bloody, has some emotion, action packed (especially at the end) and overall really creative. I guess the real point is that this is how a nobody can become a somebody in the entertainment industry. With a good idea and even more important a brilliant way to make the movie, you can then have the freedom to do whatever you want. The tech is there. For 10 - 20k, you can have a full fledged production studio and make something that will lead you to the next level. So much is going to be about execution and if you can think out how to make something look good for cheap, then you'll have the world at your finger tips. Not only will this director get a second chance but will probably be given what ever he wants. And if he was smart enough to get a piece of the action, then it won't matter what he does from now on.

It was enjoyable to see a good movie last night but also to see my overall plan be executed as well. Go create and don't think too small.